
Teeth in 1 Day

Dentes em 1 Dia
Dentes em 1 Dia

What is the “Teeth in 1 Day” technique?

“Teeth in 1 Day” refers to a dental implant technique where a full set of teeth is supported by four strategically placed implants. It is a solution for those who have lost most or all of their teeth. The procedure aims to provide a stable and permanent set of teeth with fewer implants compared to traditional methods.

The technique involves placing two straight implants in the anterior area and two angled implants in the posterior area. The concept is often referred to as “teeth in a day” because it allows for both aesthetic and functional restoration in less than 8 hours.

This configuration optimizes support and minimizes the need for bone grafting. The application of this concept is known for its efficiency and faster recovery compared to other full-arch implant options.

Why can the “Teeth in 1 Day” technique fail?

It is important to consider all post-surgical care, including adopting oral hygiene practices to minimize the risk of failure, as well as changing harmful habits that could compromise the healing of the implants.

According to literature, 4-7% of implants are rejected. In such cases, the rejected implant is removed, and a new one is placed. Dental implant failure can occur due to several reasons:

Inadequate bone support


Poor oral hygiene

Implant rejection

Systemic health issues


Allergy to titanium

What is the “Teeth in 1 Day” technique?

On the day of the surgery, a temporary fixed prosthesis is placed over the implants, an acrylic prosthesis, which will allow for the complete healing of the implants, providing maximum comfort for the patient.

For the placement of this prosthesis, the total strength of all implants should add up to 120N (the force with which the implants fix into the bone in primary stability), in order to have fixed teeth on the same day. In exceptional and compromised cases, where a fixed prosthesis cannot be placed, the patient will wear a removable prosthesis. There is no scenario where the patient will be left without teeth during the healing period of the implants.

After 3 to 4 months of osteointegration of the implants, the impressions for the final fixed prosthesis begin. This prosthesis can be made from three materials:

  • Metal-acrylic – the framework is made of titanium, and the exterior is acrylic.
  • Metal-resin – the framework is made of titanium, and the exterior consists of resin teeth.
  • Zirconia – aesthetically the closest to natural teeth, more durable in terms of wear over the years.

Step by Step

During the healing period, the patient is always monitored for any necessary adjustments. Routine check-up appointments after the placement of the final prosthesis are crucial to ensure the success of the entire treatment and to enjoy the benefits of the dental implants without any issues.

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Manutenção Dentária
Manutenção Dentária

Maintenance of Teeth in 1 Day

The maintenance of this type of prosthesis should be individualized, depending on the patient’s risk factors. Following the normal pattern, the patient should have 2 routine check-ups per year, every 6 months. One for initial maintenance where the prosthesis is not removed, and another for when it is removed.

During the more intensive maintenance (with prosthesis removal), all screws should be checked, and if there is any issue, they should be replaced. The implants should be cleaned with bicarbonate jet and chlorhexidine syringe.

In exceptional cases, patients with limited dexterity for cleaning, patients on multiple medications, or those with chronic diseases should have their maintenance intervals shortened to 3 months. It is advised that every 3 years, a radiographic check of the implants be performed using a full examination (CBCT).

How do I know if my implant is being rejected?

The rejection of a dental implant is usually accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Intense pain
  • Mobility
  • Discharges—mainly pus, indicating an infection at the site.
  • Peri-implantitis—this cause is related to poor oral hygiene.
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Dr. Tiago Ribeiro

O Dr. Tiago Ribeiro tem sido muito bem-sucedido no desenvolvimento da sua carreira em odontologia estética, tornando-se uma das principais referências em todo o país.

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