Aesthetic Medicine

Orofacial Harmonization

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid wrinkle fillers allow patients to improve not only the texture of the skin but also correct deeper wrinkles. It is a treatment suitable for both men and women who wish to delay or reduce the effects of aging.

This treatment not only corrects but also enhances facial and lip contours, providing deeper hydration. It is a safe and virtually painless treatment, indicated for:

  • Filling of folds and wrinkles;
  • Filling of skin depressions;
  • Enhancement/Harmonization of lips and cheekbones;
  • Remodeling of the nose and chin;
  • Correcting small asymmetries and other alterations.
Aplicação Botox na testa
Aplicação Botox na testa
Aplicação de Botox por especialistas


Botulinum toxin treatment is used to treat and improve dynamic wrinkles, which appear when we make facial expressions. It is applied to the forehead, periocular area, and for the treatment of bruxism.

This type of therapy reduces the muscle activity that causes wrinkles, with a duration ranging from 4 to 6 months.

It is a quick, approximately 30-minute, and painless treatment, which can be performed with local anesthesia.


Radiesse is performed using a material called calcium hydroxyapatite, a collagen biostimulator used to restore volume in certain facial areas.

It is an injectable gel with a filling effect that provides immediate correction of common signs of aging, such as sagging and loss of skin support, as the components within it stimulate the skin’s natural collagen production.

Radiesse is a procedure recommended for people unhappy with the loss of their skin’s natural support and who would like to undergo aesthetic treatments to regain their self-esteem. The procedure is performed in a clinic and takes around 45 minutes. It can be applied to the cheeks, jawline, chin, and temples.

Due to the use of a substance that is absorbed by the body, calcium hydroxyapatite, the results do not last forever. However, the effects can be visible for 18 to 24 months. Although it is a safe procedure, not everyone is suitable for Radiesse. The treatment should not be performed on pregnant or breastfeeding women, patients with permanent fillers in the face (PMMA or silicone), or patients with lesions or infections at the application site.

Aplicação de Filler
Aplicação de Filler
Aplicação de NCTF Microagulhado

NCTF Microneedling

Microneedling activates the tissue repair system and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, creating microchannels that allow direct penetration of active ingredients such as vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and essential amino acids to improve the skin.

Between 3 to 5 sessions should be performed, with an interval of 21 days. It is a painless, quick procedure that helps the patient achieve more even, radiant skin, also improving fine wrinkles.

Clinical Cases

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Diretor Clínico & Estética Dentária

Dr. Tiago Ribeiro

O Dr. Tiago Ribeiro tem sido muito bem-sucedido no desenvolvimento da sua carreira em odontologia estética, tornando-se uma das principais referências em todo o país.

Com mais de 4 mil pacientes satisfeitos em Portugal e de vários países como França, Luxemburgo, Suíça, Bélgica e o Reino Unido.